Keep the Coast Clear

How much trash is in the ocean? from Lauren Malkani on Vimeo. (These stats are from the 2012 ICC)

Every third Saturday of September is dedicated as International Coastal Cleanup day. Each year, individuals get organized to pick up plastic and other trash from their local shores to ensure they don't go into the ocean.  (Even better if they are putting the litter in their appropriate bins!)  Since May, 25,000 people took the Last Straw Challenge and prevented 5 million plastic straws from going into the ocean!!  At least year's ICC, 555,000 straws were picked up from our beaches and shorelines.  

If you'd like to be part of this movement, to help keep our oceans thriving, you can sign up here.  The organize clean-up also helps collect data for the Ocean Conservancy to see which items are the most harmful, and what solutions they can implement to stop them from entering the ocean. There are plenty of ways to contribute!  


going greenRachel BeckComment