
Last May, I was fortunate enough to go to Singapore, and visit the SuperTrees at Gardens by the Bay. With two bio-domes, and a handful of SuperTrees, it is like walking onto the set of the animated portion of [the movie] Avatar.

The man-made mechanical forest consists of 18 SuperTrees, to be exact, that act as vertical gardens, generating solar power, acting as air venting ducts for nearby conservatories, and collecting rainwater. Each tree varies in height, from 25-50 meters, and features various tropical flowers and ferns that climb up their steel structure. It's an amazing sight, especially knowing they were designed to help maintain the balance of nature. What's best is that they have a [looping] film showing the detrimental effects on the planet from human consumption.  And, if we keep up these same habits, it projects a digital world map on the floor showing the consequential, progressively dangerous heat spots around the world.

Seeing this just fuels my passion on trying to take my part in preserving our home, and only hope it can be an inspiration to others.   "We don't inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."  - Native American Proverb

#supertrees #singapore #gardensbythebay #stopoverconsumption #natureisbeauty #letskeepit