Pay clothes attention...

I recently went to an orientation at San Francisco Environment's headquarters to see how I can contribute to all the wonderful work they are doing, and learned quite a bit in the process (when I already thought I knew a lot!).  One of their newer initiatives is their Zero Waste Textiles program.  I found out that 45,000 pounds of textiles is sent to the land fill in San Francisco each hour.  That's enough to fill 1,500 Muni buses each year!  Crazy?!  But true.    

When clothes are only gently used though, they highly suggest bringing them to your local Goodwill or consignment store.  Which is where I find some of my favorite pieces!  However, my most favorite find is one my sister came across, at Thrift Town.  A beautiful chunky YSL sweater for only $7!  I did some research and found it on eBay for $200.   This is why consignment stores are fantastic!  You just have to have patience to sift through everything.  Thankfully, I have a handful of friends that enjoy these trips as much as I do.  Now, if I can only find something my husband loves, then he may come with me more often?  You're probably right ; yeah, I know - "fat chance."

Here are a few great #thriftstorescores I found:

Find new style in "old" clothing!  Next time, I will configure an entire outfit.  Although, we'll see how easy that is since I'm so particular about pants.  Wish me luck!